Please welcome Lorna (515), Karolina (615), Norm and MaryAnn (523), and Bob (610).
Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
Request for tours of Commercial laundry, kitchen and back-of-house when the outbreak is over.
Person Suggestions or comments or tell a good story.
COVID Updates: Anyone experiencing cold or flu like symptoms are asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important.
Currently, two staff members are at home on isolation and zero residents are on isolation.
The Recreation Department is providing small group activities as permitted during an outbreak. Masks are encouraged while attending recreation programs and in all common areas.
Respect You is a value of Optima Living. Please be respectful of staff in communication and treatment of others. Visitors who are respectful of the set protocols, policies and procedures are welcome to visit. These are in place either by CMOH (Chief Medical Office of Health) orders, Optima Living policy or Aster Gardens resident participatory processes to protect you. We respect that personal beliefs may differ but thank you for understanding and abiding without challenge the current processes of Aster Gardens.
Aster Gardens was audited by Alberta Health for compliance with Covid protocols and has been awarded a compliant result.
Recycling stations have been placed in the stairwell of each floor for paper and cans/bottle recycling. At this time, plastics cannot be recycled.
We will be giving an Oiler’s Jersey away at the end of March. Staff and Residents can be entered for the draw by nomination from another for a good deed. Thank you to everyone for all of the entries. The winner of the Oiler Jersey is Johnle Lamosa.
Money raised during the 50/50 draw in April will go to the Parkinson’s Society of Alberta. Winners are posted each week on the TV.
April 19th from 1 to 3 pm in the Pub will be an opportunity to exchange treasures with your neighbours. If you have items that you no longer want/need you can bring them to the pub to give or sell. All items must be removed at the end of the day.
hand weights are missing from the exercise areas. Please return if you have borrowed them.
Pickleball will resume next week if we are free of Covid in the building. Come and give this senior favourite a try.
Cooking demonstration and discussion today at 2 pm.
We are planning to offer a Brunch for Easter on April 17th. Hopefully we will be off outbreak and guests will be able to join us. Reservations will be required for all guests.
Mother’s Day Tea will be held on May 7th to honour all the Aster Gardens Moms. Please mark your calendar for this afternoon event. Mother’s Day Brunch is scheduled for May 17th.
Mark your calendars for a Pub BBQ on June 19th with live entertainment.
Initial planning for a Canada Day Pancake Breakfast
Happy Spring to Everyone.
Please welcome Stan and Helga (607) and Stan and Jean (413). This week please welcome Lorna (515).
Standing Items
Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
Concern with residents being locked out of their rooms during the night. A call pendant will be mounted with signage by each elevator that can be pushed to alert the nursing staff of an urgent situation or if assistance is needed. This is complete.
Request for tours of Commercial laundry, kitchen and back-of-house when the outbreak is over.
In-Person Suggestions or comments or tell a good story.
Who do you speak to if your doctor is not calling you back.? If you have concerns about the physicians that are partnered with Aster Gardens please speak to Karen or Jane.
Question of where the Map will be hung – the map will be hung on the 5th floor.
Updates on Items Previously Discussed
COVID Updates: Anyone experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms is asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important.
Outbreak update – Aster Gardens is on a COVID-19 Outbreak with a tentative lift date of April 11, 2022.
Currently, three residents are in isolation with Covid-19. Morning updates (8:30 am in the Main Dining Room) will continue. Jokes optional.
The Recreation Department is providing small group activities as permitted during an outbreak.
Continuous eyewear for staff is no longer required for senior residences, not on the outbreak. Aster Gardens will be happy to take this step upon lifting the outbreak.
Changes for Aster Gardens will take place in STEP 3 of the “Easing Measures” plan. At this time there is no date set for STEP 3 that includes all COVID-specific measures removed and mandatory isolation removed (becomes a recommendation only). STEP 3 will depend on hospitalizations rates that are continuing to trend downwards.
Recycle Program – the residents of Aster Garden have requested an improved recycling program which includes battery recycling. Battery Recycling Boxes have been placed under the sink in all laundry rooms.
Recycling stations have been ordered for each floor for paper and cans/bottle recycling. At this time, plastics cannot be recycled.
Housekeeping Schedules – request for housekeeping schedule of expected time for room cleaning. Hospitality is working on this schedule of set times for room cleaning. This is completed and times will be provided to all residents this week.
Concierge Hours – request to extend the hours back to 9 pm. Concierge hours will be from 8:30 pm for the weeks of March 27 to April 9th. Starting April 10th, the concierge will be open to 9 pm. Going forward the Concierge hours will be 8 am to 9 pm from March 21st to September 21st and 8 am to 8 pm from September 22 to March 20th.
Oilers Jersey Give-Away – we will be giving an Oiler’s Jersey away at the end of March. Staff and Residents can be entered for the draw by nomination from another for a good deed. Last week to nominate someone for the Oiler’s Jersey.
50/50 Draw – money raised during the 50/50 draw in March is being donated to support Ukraine. This month approximately $250 is being donated. April donations will go to the Parkinson’s Society of Alberta. Winners are posted each week on TV.
New Business
Tax Letters – tax letters were emailed or personally delivered last week.
Medication Consultant Appointments – please book your Medication Consultant with the Clinical Pharmacist at Concierge. The next visit is scheduled for April 4th.
Pub Hours – two options presented for discussion:
5 to 8 pm
One hour prior to the game and two hours after
The voting resulted in hours set from 5 to 8 pm with requests for the Pub to be open on additional days to the Oilers game nights.
First Anniversary – big thank you to Linda for planning the First Anniversary celebration.
Due to positive feedback about the lunch, we will be offering a monthly Brunch.
Census – Aster Gardens will be completing census information for all residents. Individual reports do not need to be completed.
No Flyer Stickers – Canada Post has requested to have a sticker inside of all mailboxes stating “no flyers” for those residents wishing to not receive flyers. Please advise Concierge if you would like a sticker for inside your mailbox.
Key Fobs – key fobs are set with a maximum of 362 days and thus some fobs will be expiring soon. Re-charging of fobs will be completed prior to expiring.
Give and Take Friday – March 25th from 1 to 3 pm in the Pub will be an opportunity to exchange treasures with your neighbors. If you have items that you no longer want/need you can bring them to the pub to give or sell. All items must be removed at the end of the day.
Air Conditioners – please advise Concierge if you are requesting an air conditioner for the summer of 2022.
Windows – interior and exterior windows will be cleaned once outside spring clean has been completed
Please note there will not be a Resident Meeting next week due to training for staff. The Next Meeting will be on April 5, 2022, at 10 am in – First Floor Main Dining Room.
Happy International Women’s Day to all the women of Aster Gardens.
Please welcome Vicki (335) and Brian and Kathleen (509). This week please welcome Stan and Helga (607) and Stan and Jean (413).
Standing Items
Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
Concern with residents being locked out of their rooms during the night. A call pendant will be mounted with signage by each elevator that can be pushed to alert the nursing staff of an urgent situation or if assistance is needed. Supplies and signage have been ordered to make this happen.
Concern with the meal quality and temperature. Improvement was noted by attending residents.
Request for tours of Commercial laundry, kitchen, and back-of-house when the outbreak is over.
In-Person Suggestions or comments or tell a good story.
Request to have an email sign-up list for sharing of resident’s email. A list for sign-up will be available at the Concierge. Please sign up if you would like to share your email address with other residents.
Updates on Items Previously Discussed
COVID Updates: Anyone experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms is asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important.
Outbreak update – Aster Gardens is on a COVID-19 Outbreak with a tentative lift date of March 23rd.
Currently, one staff and one resident are in isolation with Covid-19. Request for morning updates to be made in the dining room at 8:30 am and to post the tentative lift date on the televisions to keep everyone informed.
The Recreation Department is providing small group activities as permitted during an outbreak.
With the lifting of the restrictions in Alberta on March 1 – please remember this does not change for senior’s congregant living. Masking of all visitors is still required in all common areas and preferred in suites if social distancing cannot be maintained.
As part of a larger community, it is encouraged to wear masks when in public. We are entering a highly monitoring phase with the outcome unknown. To protect us all it is encouraged to take this extra step until outcomes are known.
To prevent staff to resident transmission, Staff will continue with full eye protection and masks.
Changes for Aster Gardens will take place in STEP 3 of the “Easing Measures” plan. At this time there is no date set for STEP 3 that includes all COVID-specific measures removed and mandatory isolation removed (becomes a recommendation only). STEP 3 will depend on hospitalizations rates that are continuing to trend downwards.
Recycle Program – the residents of Aster Garden have requested an improved recycling program which includes battery recycling. Battery Recycling Boxes will be placed under the sink in all laundry rooms. Please throw your used batteries into these boxes.
Aster Gardens is discussing with Waste Management options for expanding our recycling program.
Housekeeping Schedules – request for housekeeping schedule of expected time for room cleaning. Hospitality is working on this schedule of set times for room cleaning. The expected completion is the end of the week.
Concierge Hours – request to extend the hours back to 9 pm. The concierge will be finalizing their revised schedule today.
Oiler Jersey Give-Away – we will be giving an Oiler’s Jersey away at the end of March. Staff and Residents can be entered for the draw by nomination from another for a good deed.
50/50 Draw – money raised during the 50/50 draw in April will be donated to the Red Cross to support Ukraine. Request to post a picture of the winner and amount each week.
New Business
Artful Engagement – provides older adults communities with access to high-quality art programs that are uniquely designed to empower participants, support artistic expression and enhance the overall creative culture.
Aster Gardens is very excited to begin this ongoing program that will run until March 2023. Introduction and exploring projects will start on Wednesday, March 9th at 11 am.
Water Temperatures on March 7th – the boiler went down during the night resulting in cool water this morning. All have been resent and resolved.
Meatball Wednesday – BBQ Meatballs with potato wedges and a side salad will be served in the pub tomorrow from 5 to 8 pm
Popcorn Day is Thursday – stop by the demo kitchen prior to the chef demo for a treat.
Drywall Crack Repair – warranted drywall cracks will be fixed starting on Monday, March 14th. You will receive a notice if you have a drywall crack to be fixed.
Next Meeting
The Next Meeting will be on March 15, 2022, at 10 am – First Floor Main Dining Room.
Please welcome Sarah from CareRX Pharmacy.
Please welcome Walter (217).
Standing Items
Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
Have a wall map of North America and 2 colours of pins
1 for the birth location of residents and one for the birth location of those who serve us + similar idea on a world map.
remains outstanding-Books on the second-floor shelves, please. A small selection of books will be placed on the shelves. The large inventory of books will remain in the library on the 5th floor.
In-Person Suggestions or comments or tell a good story.
-Concern with residents being locked out of their rooms during the night. A call pendant will be mounted with signage at each elevator that can be pushed to alert the nursing staff of an urgent situation or if assistance is needed.
Updates on Items Previously Discussed
COVID Updates: Anyone experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms are asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. We are rapid testing anyone who has symptoms as well as lab testing if it is warranted. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important. Daily updates are provided in the dining room at 8:30 am each morning.
Key Messages:
• To address the potential risk that the Omicromvariant poses, visitors who are close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19are not permitted until 14 days have passed from their last exposure date. This is regardless of vaccination status.
• Visiting friends and families must wear a mask continuously while indoors and in resident suites (unless a significant communication barrier is present). Residents are welcome to wear masks for their protection. Discussion on guests dining in the dining rooms as a risk is created when masks are removed to eat or drink. Request to put this to a vote for all resident feedback.
• Residents returning from absences of more than 24 hours are required to active screen daily for symptoms of COVID-19 and wear a mask while out of their suite for 14 days.
New items for Discussion
Server Uniforms – the servers are asking for consideration in eliminating the requirement for black pants and white shirts. Concerns expressed are
1) identifying servers in the dining room
2) ensuring the dress code is followed.
Journal Newspapers –The Edmonton Journal and Sun Newspapers delivered to Aster Gardens are privately paid for subscriptions. The Sherwood Park News is free for all to take.
Security Deposit on Statement –some residents may have seen a security deposit charge on their February statement. This was to enter the amount into the accounting software –no charges were made.
Mini Olympic Teams and celebration of the Bejing Olympic Games. Teams are encouraged to sign up to compete in a mini Aster Garden Olympics with prizes and medals. The games will be on in the Pub daily.
Resident Transportation –Lorrie was introduced as the new Bus Driver. Transportation services will be available from Tuesday to Saturday with set times for group outings and medical appointments. Please welcome Lorrie.
Linking Generations Pen Pal Program –Deb presented on the Pen Pal program and the need for 8 volunteers to participate in this program.
Vendor Ideas –any suggestions about vendors to invite to Aster Gardens.Suggestion to bring in Nut Man and other various vendors.
Weekend Coverage –Aster Gardens will be moving to a manager on call vs. on-site weekend coverage. We will always only be a call away.
Blue Wagon – a new blue wagon will be housed in the parkade elevator entrance for residents use to haul stuff.
Resident Council Notice Board – the Resident Council Notice Board has been installed in the main dining room. Information on past meetings and upcoming Resident meetings will be posted there.
The Next Meeting will be on February 8th at 10 am – First Floor Main Dining Room.
Please welcome Albert and Mary (224) to Aster Gardens.
Please welcome Jane Nebo as the Health and Wellness Manager for Aster Gardens
Standing Items
Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
Have a wall map of North America and 2 colours of pins – 1 for birth location of residents and one for birth location of those who serve us + similar idea on a world map. – remains outstanding
In-Person Suggestions or comments or tell a good story.
Foot pedal for sewing machine is outstanding
Request for a place to sit between the two main entrance doors to assist with putting on or taking off foot ware. Remains outstanding.
Request for an opportunity to have your blood pressure taken once per month. The first Blood Pressure Clinic is planned for January 21st at 11:00 am. They will be offered on the third Friday of each month in the Wellness Room
COVID Updates
• Anyone experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms are asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. We are rapid testing anyone who has symptoms as well as lab testing if it is warranted. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important.
• New Covid-19 Rapid Testing Guidelines have been received and are attached for your information. These guidelines will take effect immediately.
• Hand Hygiene is very important in the defense of COVID-19. Reminder to wash or sanitize your hands upon entering and exiting common areas including the dining areas. Additional hand sanitizing should be completed after touching areas such as elevator buttons, door knobs, etc.
• Effective January 7, 2022 all staff are now required to wear eye protection when in resident areas. This is an added protection for residents and staff members.
To address the potential risk that the Omicrom variant poses, visitors who are close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 are not permitted until 14 days have passed from their last exposure date. This is regardless of vaccination status.
Visiting friends and families must wear a mask continuously while indoors and in resident suites (unless a significant communication barrier is present). Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, even if mild and even if you are fully vaccinated.
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection processes are in place and must be followed.
Staff, service providers, volunteers and visitors must have a health assessment screening when entering the building.
Asymptomatic, fully immunized staff who are a close contact are required to have rapid testing for 10 days from date of exposure.
Residents returning from absences of more than 24 hours are required to active screen daily for symptoms of COVID-19 and wear a mask while out of their suite for 14 days.
Request for morning updates to be made for all residents at Breakfast in the Dining Room
The gold wedding band found in the dining room has not been claimed. Other jewellery items have also been found and are waiting to be claimed. Please see Karen to claim. Suggestion to place a small sign in the elevator for these lost items.
Note: please be on the alert for a small lost purse either red or beige.
Rent Increases – rent increases scheduled for March 2022 have been deferred to October 2022. No notice of increase was distributed on by January 1st (90 day notice period).
New Items for Discussion
Pharmacy Meet and Greet – CareRx has requested to present at the next Resident Meeting of January 18th.
Warranty Walkthrough- we are approaching our one-year warranty period and request your assistance to ensure that all building deficiencies are identified. Please advise Concierge by the end of January of any drywall cracks or concerns in your suite. Many eyes looking will ensure that we have captured all items.
Laundry Rooms – it is requested that we remind all residents to clean lint traps after each load in the dryer. The lint filter located above the dryers will be cleaned by staff. For the consideration of others please ensure that you leave the laundry room clean after your use.
Further request to remove your laundry in a timely manner so that others do not have to remove your personal items from the machine to do their laundry.
Night staff will be asked to press the clean button on the washing machines nightly to prevent the build up of soap and chemicals in the machines.
Recreation Programs – with the increase in COVID-19 and in an effort to keep everyone active we are focusing on less large group programs. Additionally, we are trying new programs and appreciate your feedback on activities.
Linking Generations Pen Pal Program – we have been matched with a high school class for an Intergenerational Pen Pal Program to start in January.
Writers Foundation of Strathcona County – January 18th will be offering a session on Your Lifetime of Stories – Ideas for Writing Memoirs. This is an interactive 1.5 to 2 hours session on how to begin with resources to help preserve the family treasure of stories. See Concierge to register.
Random Acts of Kindness day is January 12th. A Random Act of Kindness is a selfless act performed by a person or group of people to either assist or cheer up an individual person or group of people for no other reason than to make someone happy. Please consider doing a Random Act of Kindness tomorrow.
The Next Meeting will be January 18th at 10 am – Aurora Memory Care Community – 3rd Floor.
Please welcome new Residents: Susan (229) and Pat (315). This week please welcome Harvey (414).
Standing Items
– Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
– Sunshine is coming through the door in the main dining room at breakfast time. Please consider a blind or tinting for this door.
Expand the choice of movies sources for the evening movie beyond Netflix – E.g. Apple TV /DVD.
COVID Updates
• Anyone experiencing cold or flu like symptoms are asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. We are rapid testing anyone who has symptoms as well as lab testing if it is warranted. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important.
• As a result of a Resident vote last week all Designated Visitors are now required to be fully vaccinated. Visitors are asked to show their vaccination record or a clear covid test within the previous 72 hours before entering Aster Gardens.
• Public Health has reached out to Aster Gardens to have a complete site covid screening day. This will involve all staff and residents being rapid tested on one day to identify anyone who may be asymptomatic positive. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
• Residents have requested that any resident that is away from Aster Gardens for an overnight stay be screened using the full screener upon return.
• Flu Clinic – the Influenza Clinic for annual flu shots is planned for October 20th. All consents have been submitted. The schedule for the day will be posted.
• Municipal Election – the Municipal Election is October 18th. Aster Gardens will be hosting a voting station on October 12th from 9-12am and October 18th at 7:00pm for any remaining residents to vote.
• Smoking and building access for winter was presented as a concern. Residents would like a plan for access to the smoking area after hours that ensures a safe access to the building in the event of snow fall or adverse weather conditions.
• Hearing Clinic – feedback on the Hearing Clinic? Next Hearing Clinic is November 9th.
• Remembrance Day – any volunteers to join Lillian in planning this event? 😊
• Pickleball – follow up with the Park Church is outstanding. Pickleball has moved to Thursday afternoon for this week due to the cold mornings.
• Activity Board – this is back on the agenda as it has not been completed yet. Action is required.
• Mental Health Day October 10th – Is there interest in a “Steps to Mental Health” program?
• Virtual Christmas Submission – each Optima Living Community submits a song, story or reading for the Christmas Concert. What would the residents of Aster Garden like to do this year?
• Salon Service Hours – the salon will be now open for hair services on Wednesday and Thursday. Nail services will be moving to Mondays commencing October 18th to accommodate this growth.
• Walker Clinic – Synergy Pharmacy will be at Aster Gardens on October 14th from 10 am to 12 pm to repair/tune any walkers, canes, or other mobility devices. Most repairs are at no cost.
• Remove your Yellow Squares – please remove your yellow sticky square from your balcony if it is still there. The flies are gone.
• Resident Choice Day Menu selection for October 22nd distributed for selection.
• Recreation Manager – please welcome Keeley R. to the position of Recreation Manager. Keeley is a long-term resident of Sherwood Park and has worked as a Recreation Manager for 15+ years. Her first day will be October 25th.
Thank you to the resident selection committee for their assistance in selection of this candidate.
• Window Sealing of Crank Windows – some of the crank windows are not sealing when closing. Please notify either Maintenance or the Concierge if you are experiencing this problem.
• Guest Kitchen – Are guest “chefs” permitted to hold demonstrations in the demo kitchen? Yes, permitted they meet the covid protocols at the time.
• Signature Burger – it was promoted that there would be a signature “burger” or like item available at Aster Gardens. Suggestions are welcome for this item.
• Bible Study – attendance to Bible Study has been impacted by Statutory Holidays, mealtimes, etc. Request to reach out to the Park Church volunteer to support this program. Further request to post slide on TV’s on Mondays to promote the program.
The Next Meeting will be October 19th at 10 am – Aurora Memory Care Community – 3rd Floor.
Please welcome new Residents: Margaret (516) and Lass (222). This week please welcome Susan (229) and Pat (315).
Standing Items
– Suggestions from the Suggestion Box – no suggestions received this week.
COVID Updates
• Anyone experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms are asked to remain in your suite and call either the care coach at 8055 or Concierge at 8001. We are rapid testing anyone who has symptoms as well as lab testing if it is warranted. Staying in your suite when you are not feeling well is very important.
• Discussion with Designated Visitors requirement for full vaccination. Residents in attendance at the meeting were in favour of requiring all Designated Visitors to be fully vaccinated. A vote will be prepared and circulated to all resident or family representatives for decision.
• As we go into the Thanksgiving Weekend a reminder to everyone to remain vigilant in protecting themselves against Covid by wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and washing your hands after touching common surfaces. Three senior sites in Sherwood Park are currently under outbreak status and we would like to remain Covid free.
• Flu Clinic – the Influenza Clinic for annual flu shots is planned for October 20th. Consents are required to receive the flu shot and are available at Concierge.
• Municipal Election – the Municipal Election is October 18th. Aster Gardens will be hosting a voting station on October 12th from 9-12am and October 18th at 7:00pm for any remaining residents to vote.
• Smoking and building access for winter was presented as a concern. Residents would like a plan for access to the smoking area after hours that ensures a safe access to the building in the event of snow fall or adverse weather conditions.
• Massage Therapist – we are preparing to open the Massage Therapy Services. The goal is to have services available during October. Massage rates are suggested at $55 for 45-minute massage and $85 for a full hour. Monday morning appointments will be available starting October 18th. Thursday appointments will be available starting October 28th.
• Dining Room – no seating plan. Please be welcoming to new residents.
• Hearing Clinic will be provided for free hearing test on October 5th. Book with Concierge. Ear cleaning, hearing aid checks and other services can also be accommodated. The Hearing Clinic will be offered monthly going forward.
• Men’s Breakfast – a volunteer from the Park Church would like to hold a Men’s Breakfast on Thursdays at 9 am. This program will start after the covid numbers are down.
• Seasonal Decoration on Patios – Please remove any summer decorations from the patios.
• Preventative Maintenance – Kelly presented on what is included in your suite Preventative Maintenance Program.
• Thanksgiving Dinner – Sunday will be a turkey dinner. Monday will be a ham or beef option. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
• Remembrance Day – military personnel are not available this year due to the current covid restrictions to support a Remembrance Day Service. Residents nominated and voted Lillian with support of others to plan an internal event.
• Sign In and Out – discussion and reminder to sign in and out. Signing in and out is used for emergency purposes.
• Humidity – question to the relative humidity in the building and the timeline for repair to the humidifier
• Question to when Pickleball will be moving indoors. Recreation to follow up with Park Church to see if we can use the indoor pickle ball courts.
• Query into the life span of the battery in the call pendant. The battery life is monitored through the nurse call system and sends alerts when batteries are low and need to be replaced. Based on use the battery has a life span of 6 months to 2 years.
The Next Meeting will be October 12th at 10 am – Aurora Memory Care Community – 3rd Floor.
Special guests: The Ear Clinic presenting on Audiology Services for Aster Gardens.
Please welcome new residents:
• Iris (317)
• Arthur (404)
• Ed and Dina (215)
• This week, please welcome Bernice (221)
• Suggestions from the suggestion box: When a resident passes away to display a picture as a memorial and communication to the other residents.
COVID Updates
• The third dose of Pfizer vaccination will be offered last week to those residents that were eligible (five months since the second dose). Public Health has taken information for those that were not eligible and will be contacting us to plan for those residents outstanding.
• As of September 13th, as per resident vote we have returned to four designated visitors only at this time. The final vote count was 44 to 22 in favour of return to designated visitors only. Please ensure your list is correct as all visitors will now be required to check in and validate that they are a designated visitor.
• Residents have requested if your fully vaccinated designated visitor is eating in the dining room that you have a table to yourselves as a courtesy to others. Reminder that not fully vaccinated designated visitors are not permitted in common areas at this time. Masks should be always worn by all visitors unless actively eating or drinking.
Other Updates
• Flu Clinic: The Influenza Clinic for annual flu shots is planned for October 12th. Consents are required to receive the flu shot and are available at Concierge.
• Timing of Garage Door: Can the closure of this door be reduced? Yes, we are figuring out how.
• Education: “Hearing 101” will be offered on September 28th at 2 pm – information and education on healthy ears and optima hearing.
• Evening Programs are poorly attended. Is there something that would be preferred as an evening program?
• Tuck Shop Volunteers: Is anyone interested in volunteering in the Tuck Shop for a couple of hours per week?
• Elevator Signs: Would you like the elevator signage to be 1-6 or 6-1 (for permanent signage)?
• Corn Roast: Wear your plaid and jeans and come for a fresh Taber Corn Roast and Fall Fest on the roof top tomorrow. Volunteers needed to prepare the corn today.
• Dryer vents: Please clean your pockets out before you wash and empty the dryer vents after use of the dryer.
• Mystery Theatre Halloween Masquerade Ball on November 1st. Start thinking about your costume and masquerade masks. Supplies will be made available in the art studio.
• June/July/August Salon charges will be on the October statement due to an error. Our apologies on this mistake.
• Lost and Found: A number of items are in the lost and found at Concierge. If you have lost an item please check if it has been found.
The next meeting will be September 21st at 10 am at the Aurora Memory Care Community on the 3rd Floor.